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Yoga And Its Benefits

The driving force of yoga is aimed at the monumental, life-changing discovery of who and what you actually are. This is precisely how yoga works, how it makes you feel good. Yoga helps you experience the truth. The truth- which, you discover is goodness.

The implications of knowing the truth is massive. Thus Yoga gives you the strength to unravel the truth with which you will begin to live with security, confidence and inner psychological peace. These are the benefits and properties of Yoga. Yoga changes your life.

The benefits of Yoga are numerous. In terms of energy, Yoga is like a universe in itself. Some of the important Yoga benefits include anti-ageing, balance and flexibility of body, increase in knowledge and wealth, improvement in mental health and development of personal and social values. This is not the end of story; Yoga also helps in improving strength and reducing weight. Yoga makes you feel good. Yoga is relaxing. It's energizing. It's strengthening.

Healing benefits of Yoga are so great that you feel better at the end of every Yoga session than before you began and life runs effortlessly when you keep up a steady discipline than when you don't. Yoga enhances your understanding of life. Yoga changes an individual's perspective about life. After coming in the fold of Yoga a person finds himself taking up a broader view of life. Yoga helps a person to know who he is, how life works, who is God and so on. One starts looking at things differently, with less confusion. It helps in more peace of mind, better health, more keenness for life, and an ever-growing sense of internal well-being.

As one practices Yoga, positive effects of Yoga begin to show. The sense of feeling good envelops around the individual. This feeling is so natural and so genuine that it goes entirely in an individual's life. In this way it helps clarify deepest cravings, motivations and aspirations, thereby restoring confidence, hope, meaning and rationale to life. We all like feeling good, peace of mind, being joyful, peaceful, animated and calm. There can't be two opinions about this. But the sad part is that most of us know that we are not feeling as good as we should.


1. Anti Aging

Practicing Yoga = Fit Body = Active Mind = Glowing Skin = Anti Ageing

Yoga acts positively in maintaining the health of the human body. One of the most prominent benefits of Yoga is the ability to be young once again. Apart from revitalizing the mind, Yoga rejuvenates the body as well. People, who constantly practice Yoga, have found immense benefits from it and feel better than what they felt in their younger years. There is a very famous concept in Yoga philosophy. According to it, a person's age is determined by the flexibility of his spine, not the number of years he has lived.

Yoga helps in slowing down the aging process, by providing elasticity to the spine, firming up the skin, removing tension from the body, strengthening the abdominal muscles, eliminating the likelihood of a double chin, improving the quality of loose arm muscles, correcting poor posture and so on. Thus, of the numerous benefits of Yoga, anti-ageing is an important one. All you need is patience (remember, there is no one day benefit policy!!) and the determination (you need to be strong willed to practice everyday) to practice Yoga.

2. Improves Balance

Balance is referred not only to the sharp physical coordination, but also to the balance between the left and right, front and back and high and low aspects of one's body. As far as balance of the body is concerned, hardly few of us have proper balance. We may be stronger on one side, but definitely fall short of strength when it comes to the other side. The same is also seen, while turning or twisting the head. Whilst we can easily twist or turn on one side, the other is always a problem. Also, though most of can bend forward with ease, bending backwards is a big problem.

Yoga helps us attain hormonal balance, by producing a nice positive charge. This is important from the female point of view,  who want to find ways to balance their hormones naturally. To attain good balance, you need not be physically strong, but also have the mental agility to focus on your posture. There are a number of asanas that aim at achieving balance in the body. One of them is 'Tadasana' or mountain pose, which requires you to stand straight with your legs slightly apart and eyes closed. It would help you realize, which side of your body is more powerful and where do you tend to concentrate your weight on.

3. Increases Flexibility

It increases the range of motion in joints and also the lubrication in the joints. The result is enhanced fluidity throughout your body and a sense of ease and comfort. Apart from stretching the muscles, it also stretches the ligaments, tendons and the fascia sheath that surrounds the muscles. The best part of yoga is that it acts on those joints as well, that were never really moved, leave alone exercising. It helps get rid of muscle soreness and promotes faster recovery. Instead of feeling weary or tired out after performing yogic asanas, a person feels much relaxed and enthusiastic.

4. Developes Personal Values

Yoga plays a vital role in reviving the true spirit of living. It helps in developing and attaining personal values, by reducing a variety of mental ills. Yoga enhances the personal values in individuals by avoiding the element of fear from our lives. It is our constant fear, some valid while others purely imaginary, that makes us succumbs to the wrong side. However, by practicing yoga on a daily basis, we gain a control of our mind, which results in control of the thoughts and the actions as well. Yoga controls the emotional aspect of a person, with the help of mental exercises, thus helping an individual achieve contentment.

5. Strengthen Relationship

Yoga can play a definitive role in fine-tuning our love life. Our emotional well-being depends on how we interpret various events of life and react to them. In other words, feelings and emotions manifest in one form or the other in our body and life. If you have better inner feelings, nice thoughts will automatically come to your mind. And these will translate into romantic actions. Herein lies the importance of Yoga which could make you more effective in expression of love. So practice Yoga and feel the free flow of love.

5. Better Mental Health

Mental health is human ability to face and solve problems and select the correct alternative that results in happiness of mind. Theoretical and philosophical aspects of yoga endow one an impartial and healthy outlook towards life. Yoga alters our attitude towards the achievable goals and approach towards success and failures. Yoga philosophy teaches us not to be depressed in frustrations.

6. Increases Strength

Yoga can tremendously help you in increasing your strength. If one regularly, it can actually help you improve your golgi tendon reflex threshold i.e. your capacity to limit a contraction well short of the point at which your tendons would be hurt. Regular stretching through yoga helps you improve your endurance and enhance your muscles ability to let go more efficiently without collapsing to the response of stretched tendons.

Power yoga is westernized form of vinyasa-style yoga which focuses on a dynamic approach of fitness and exercise. It is generally modeled closely to the Ashtanga style of practice. The entire focus of Power yoga is on developing strength and flexibility. As the power yoga is not based to follow a set series of poses, it may vary from practitioner to practitioner. A simple ten minutes of power yoga daily helps you develop great strength and endurance.

7. Enhances Beauty

Yoga is a wonderful art that brings a perfect blend of physical strength and gracefulness in your life. Also, the beauty attained through Yoga is not an artificial and temporary achievement like cosmetic surgery and other such means. Yoga helps you lose all the flab in a right manner to the right extent. Apart from this the enlightenment achieved through yoga brings a shine of confidence over one's face. Yoga also acts as a stress buster which is in it self a very wonderful method to avoid ageing. The flexibility attained through Yoga also makes one feel good and thus look good.

8. Helps In Healing Diseases

Yoga is an ancient art of meditation in India. It is considered that a regular practice of Yoga is very beneficial for achieving healthy body and sound mind. Yoga is also quoted to be very beneficial in the treatment of various ailments. Ayurvedic practitioners in India also suggest yoga as a part of their medical treatment. Yoga helps in enhancing your health and sense of well-being. There are several asana suggested in Yoga that actively works upon your body to help you achieve a perfect balance between your body requirements and energy produced. By balancing the hormonal production and organ functioning, yoga helps in healing several diseases.

9. Enhances Knowledge

Yoga apart from self enlightenment also helps in developing the understanding of surroundings, which is very necessary in order to spread the real and divine knowledge of the universe. Besides the pleasure of discovering one's inner self and of enjoying one's self as it is something that can't be explained in words. Yoga makes us capable enough to recover our souls which are lost in the mad rush of fulfilling earthy desires. Through the attainment of good health along with physical and mental relaxation, yoga makes one capable of perceiving the legitimate kind of knowledge about life, its purpose and self regulations. The theory and practice of Yoga is thoroughly based on spiritual blend of superpower and self.

10. Helps In Weight Reduction

Yoga is an effective way to gain and maintain a healthy body. This ancient Indian meditation art is a great way to get rid of extra flab from the body. From ages, this art has been a popular method of fat reduction and weight control. In fact some asana of yoga are specially meant for weight reduction only. Yoga is also a preferred method for weight reduction as it is sans any kind of side effect. Yoga directly influences the metabolism of body by acting upon several hormonal secretions in the body. Apart from weight reduction, yoga also helps in achieving a better muscle tone and vitality.

Yoga is said to be the best way of weight reduction because it has no side effects on your body. It won't make you anorexic or ultra slim. It is simply meant to proportionate your body weight in accordance to your height and lifestyle. The mechanism of Yoga in your body is simple yet extremely effective. It acts on the metabolism of your body as well as on your fat cells. The deep breathing in Yoga increases the oxygen intake to the cells of your body, including the fat cells which burn in contact of oxygen. Apart from this yoga makes one overcome from anxiety which is the major reason for overeating. Some of the Yoga asana also helps in weight control through stimulating lethargic thyroid glands for increasing their hormonal secretions, thus reducing weight.


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