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5 Foods You Need To Stop Eating Immediately

If you are health conscious, you already know that you should stop eating fast food and fried food on a regular basis. However, when you are trying to make the shift towards a healthier, cleaner diet, there are quite a few food items you must avoid.

These foods may seem harmless, but have often been linked to poor health and weight gain. But nevertheless, they turn out to be quite bad for you in the long run.

The reason these foods are so problematic is that most people don’t think they need to avoid them, and end up consuming them in larger quantities. So, if you want to pay more attention towards a healthy diet, these are the 5 foods that you need to stop eating from today.

1. White Bread and Pasta

White bread and pastas are staples in most pantries, but these don’t have much nutritional value. White bread contains minimal fiber and high sugar content. It’s what makes it so tasty too! In fact, even a large variety of cheap brown bread is not all that healthy, since these tend to contain more sugar than grain as well. Make the shift to whole-wheat or wholegrain bread. You can also opt for whole-wheat pastas for better health.

2. Margarine

Margarine is hugely promoted as a healthier alternative to butter. But that’s far from the truth! Margarine is a chemical substitute for butter and is highly processed to contain loads of Trans fats, which increases your cholesterol. The calorie count is also similar to butter, but we tend to eat more of it because we think it's healthier. You’d be better off eating small doses of grass-fed butter, or healthy olive oil drizzled on your toast.

3. Artificial Sweeteners

Unless you have diabetes, there is no reason you should consume artificial sweeteners. In small doses, sugar is absolutely fine. If you’re using it only to sweeten your tea, sugar is a better option. Sweeteners are far sweeter than sugar and hence, they reset your taste buds to crave sugary foods. Since most of these are also chemical substitute for sugar, they are not healthy in the wrong run. Did you know that sweeteners have also been linked to weight gain in the long term?

4. Processed and packaged juices

If you want to gain the benefits of fruit juice, it’s best to drink a glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice. Packaged juices are filled with artificial sweeteners and sugar, and hence are way too high in calories. Same holds true for packaged coconut water as well. Eat fruits instead and choose fresh, raw coconut over the tetra pack version.

5. Diet Foods

Only because a packet says ‘Low Fat’ on it, doesn’t automatically make it healthy. It’s important to understand that ‘low-fat’ is not the same as ‘low calorie’. Diet bars and low-fat foods like yogurts usually have more sugar, salt, and unhealthy fillers to make them taste better. Even worse, we typically eat double the serving we should because we think it's healthy.

We hope that after you’ve gone through this list, you’ll ensure to accommodate these required changes in your daily diet!


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