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Bad Breath - Causes, Remedies And Prevention

Bad breath which is often known as Halitosis, is a very common problem which is faced by most of the people. It is caused by odour producing bacteria that are synthesised in the mouth. But this simply cannot make you choose the corner of your home or office!

Today, of course, people still worry that their breath smells bad and swish capful after capful of mouthwashes that often contain little more than alcohol and flavoring to fix it.

Fortunately, this article contains all the information you need to know about bad breath, from where it starts to home remedies that will help keep your mouth smelling fresh. Let's begin with a closer look at the problem.

Fixing bad breath depends on what's causing it. In 80 to 90 percent of cases, it's due to something in the mouth. Most often, bad breath is the result of nothing more serious than a dirty mouth. Plaque, the nearly invisible film of bacteria that's constantly forming in your mouth, is often responsible. Another possible source of stink can be decaying food that's trapped between teeth.

Persistent bad breath may be due to a treatable dental problem, such as an undiagnosed cavity or periodontal (gum) disease. Sometimes a broken filling can trap food particles.

Occasionally, ongoing bad breath is due to something in the respiratory tract (such as a sinus or lung infection) or gastrointestinal tract or to a systemic (body-wide) condition. Diabetes, for example, can give the breath an unpleasant chemical smell.

Of course, what you eat can contribute to bad breath, too. The strong odors of foods like garlic, onions, and alcohol are carried through the bloodstream and exhaled by the lungs.

Remedies can be implemented right at your home and here are the top ones:

1. Brush your tongue as well

Brushing the tongue along with the teeth after taking meals can prevent bad breath. You should use proper toothbrush and should follow correct brushing technique. Tongue cleaner must be used for cleaning tongue.

2. Drink black/green tea

Drinking black or green tea in the morning instead of coffee can help get rid of your morning breath. Black and green teas contain polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants that fight bacteria growth in your mouth, thereby improving the smell of your breath.

3. Drink plenty of water

Drinking water can help flush bacteria out of your mouth and prevent bad breath. Keep a glass of water by your bedside at night and drink plenty before you go to bed and after waking up to prevent stinky morning breath.

4. Use apple cider vinegar as mouthwash

You can use apple cider vinegar as a highly valuable mouthwash, which will fight the problem of bad breath. Add half tablespoon of this vinegar into a glass of water and gargle it in your mouth for around 10 seconds.

5. Eat citrus fruits

Dry mouth often causes bad breath. If the cause of bad breath is dry mouth, then eat citrus fruits like orange and lemon. Citric acid, present in these fruits, stimulates the saliva, which in turn, aids in the suppression of some mouth bacteria, responsible for causing bad breath.

6. Chew parsley

Chlorophyll, a mild antiseptic, is present abundantly in parsley. Chewing parsley leaves will neutralize bad breath. You can improve your digestion by swallowing parsley and this, in turn, will reduce the intestinal gas, which will go a long way to prevent bad breath.

7. Eat unripe guava

Unripe guava, being rich in tannic, phosphoric, oxalic and malic acids, is a useful remedy for Halitosis. It also contains vital minerals like manganese, calcium and oxalate. It works wonderfully to promote teeth and gum health. It not only cures bad breath, but also stands as a remedy for bleeding gums.

8. Chew herbs

Herbs can be used as breath freshener. Chewing on a small stem of fresh spearmint, rosemary, tarragon and parsley for up to a minute can help to alleviate bad breath.

9. Avoid alcohol-based mouthwashes

You should not use alcohol-based mouth washes. Alcohol can cause your mouth to dry out, which can cause bad breath.

10. Chew sunflower seeds

After meals chew some sunflower seeds and drink a glass of water. This is a good natural remedy for bad breath.

11. Drink tea made from fenugreek (Methi) seeds

Fenugreek seeds are considered as effective home remedies for Halitosis. A tea prepared from the seeds can be consumed to fight bad breath. This tea is made by adding one tsp of seeds in half liter of cold water. You should allow it to get cooked for fifteen minutes over a low flame. Next, it must be strained and consumed as tea. It is one of the well liked home remedies for bad breath.

12. Chew cardamom seeds

To get rid of bad breath, chew some cardamom seeds. Its aromatic flavour acts as a breath freshener. This is an effective home remedy for bad breath.

13. Chew sugarless gum

Chewing sugarless gum can help keep bad breath at bay. Chewing gum gets your saliva flowing and keeps your mouth from drying out, which can lead to bad breath.

14. Stay de-stressed

Don't surrender yourself to stress. Stress can dry out your mouth, causing bad breath. Stress also increases the production of volatile sulfur compounds in the mouth.

The foods that you need to Avoid:
  • Onions, hot peppers and garlic.
  • Coffee, beer, wine and whiskey. These items top the list of liquid offenders.
  • Refined carbohydrates like white sugar, white bread and products prepared with them.
  • Meat and eggs.
  • Some fishes like anchovies and seaweed are high in 'fishy' amine odours.

Bad breath can not only put you down in a social situation, but it actually sends out a signal of poor oral hygiene and health. It may indicate that your mouth has turned into a safe playground for the bacteria. Thus, it may actually serve as an early indicator allowing you to take a proactive approach.


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