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How To Do Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)

Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) means a salute to the sun. It is a continuous series of 8 related Yoga postures, some done twice, in what totals 13 poses. It is designed to warm up your whole body and integrate the body, mind and breath. The Sun Salutation is a warm up or toning exercise and is considered the best of all Yoga exercises as it stretches, compresses, arches and reinforces all the major muscles of the body, as well as the digestive and respiratory organs. It also helps develop flexibility, strength, balance, concentration and focus. Sun Salutation is a great way to synchronize your breath and can be practiced twice a day. Given below are the step by step instructions. Instructions for Sun Salutation 1. Namaskar (Salute)  Start in a standing position, facing the sun. Both your feet should touch each other, palms joined together, in prayer pose. 2. Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose)  With a deep inhalation, raise both arms above your head and til...

8 Yoga Postures For Pregnant Women

In times of pregnancy, when women are battling mood swings at varying levels, fatigue and sickness, painful leg cramps and breathing problems; yoga exercises, techniques and postures ease all such conditions ensuring a period of relieved nine months followed by an easier labour and smooth delivery.

Testosterone: What It Is and How It Affects Your Health

Testosterone is a naturally occurring hormone that plays a vital role in both men and women – although it does present itself in higher concentrations in men. It is also plays a significant role in optimizing a number of sought-after traits, or qualities, of the modern-day man, including –

7 Best Pre-Workout Meal

We live in an age where people take working out at the gym very seriously but in numerous cases, they head to their gym on an empty stomach either because they have succumbed to the notion that one shouldn't eat before a workout or simply because they don't know what to eat.

Why You Should Start Your Day With OATS

Breakfast truly is the most important meal of the day. It always amazes us how many people skip this meal and disregards it as important.